Ok, I posted this on my genealogy blog, but I know no one ever reads it. So, I'm posting this here because I like the idea. Who wants to participate in a family blog? I think I would do one for my side of the family and one for Brad's. The idea of the blog, would to post updates of what's going on in your family. I know most of you that read this already have your own family blog, but I mean just a place where any family member can go and read exciting updates. Some family members don't know how to blog or don't, so you could also make updates for the rest of your family. For example: my update for Brad's family today would be something like this:
Marty and Jill are living up in Idaho again. Karl and Zenda have Tom and Alisha living with them. Robert is still working as a chef at Wolf Creek. Nate is really sick and has been for 7 weeks. Keep praying for him. Brad and Karlie are expecting a baby girl in Sept. Tom and Alisha moved up to Farmington. Tom is working at LDS Surgical Center. They will be living close to Tooele in 2 weeks. Seesha started working again. John and Holly are expecting. David is doing well on his mission in Spain. Paul graduated high school. Gwen is living back and forth between Nate's and Melissa's and mom's and dad's house. Joel has become one of Indianna's favorite pals.
Let me know what you think. I think in order to do this, we would need several email addresses so people would know that the blog exists and also to add them in case they wanted to post anything. If you think this is a good idea...leave a comment and email me all the email addresses in your family. I think for my side of the family it would be the "Dow Family Blog" because no one on my dad's side blogs and for Brad's side it would be the "Brimhall Family Blog" because I don't think Brad's dad side blogs either. Correct me if I'm wrong.
1 comment:
Karlie, I received your phone message after eating up at the hospital with McKenzie. However, my phone died shortly thereafter and I was not able to return your call. I will answer your question about adding authors to your blog here;
First, the person(s) you want to contribute to your blog will need a blogger account. Have them set up an account using there individual e-mail accounts. Once the desired person has an account with blogger, take the following steps:
#1 Log into your blog and click the "Settings" tab.
#2 The Settings function has many sub-functions which you can use to personalize your blog. These sub-functions include topics such as Basic, Publishing, Formatting, etc. Select and click the "Permissions" tab.
#3 Under Permissions, you will see a list titled "Blog Authors". At this point, you will be the only listed author of your blog. To add another author, or contributor, to your blog, click the "Add Authors" button. This should bring up a small text box.
#4 In the text box, type in the e-mail addresses of those people whom you would like to give permission to contribute to the blog. If you are adding multiple persons, make sure to separate each e-mail address with a comma.
#5 The rest is up to the person being invited. He/she will need to check their e-mail and accept your invitation to become an author for the blog. This is the final step. Anyone who has accepted an invitation to be an author can now post on your blog at anytime by logging in to their blogger account.
Hope that helped, if not, let me know. If you do start a family blog you will need to add many authors so all can contribute. Just use these steps and it will be a piece of cake! Good luck!
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