On Wednesday, we went to the parade. However, I forgot my camera. I never dreamed that Indie would get so much candy. She has candy to last her for weeks! Not to mention, 3 balls and 4 Frisbees. It was so hot though! I think the reason we got so much candy, is we were the only ones on the sunny side of the road and everyone felt sorry for Indie so they would toss her handfuls of candy. Indianna did not like the sound of all the big trucks and cars, but started to get into it once we gave her a piece of candy. She got the hang of it real fast. Although a little hesitant, I think she really enjoyed the horses at the end of the parade.
On Friday, we decided to go to the carnival. I had bought a discount pass in advance and figured we would exchange it for 30 tickets so Brad could ride a couple of rides with Indie if needed. Three words...."What a WASTE!!" It was the lamest carnival ever! They didn't even have a ferris wheel. What carnival doesn't have a ferris wheel. Indie first rode the boats by herself and hated it. You can't tell from the picture, but she didn't like it. Then she rode the merry go round with Brad. Yes, Brad had to pay tickets to stand by her to make sure she didn't fall off. Indie liked it ok, but wasn't too thrilled. We then tried the small car rides and of course Brad was too big to ride with her and the guy told us that Indie was too small to ride the rides. WHAT!!!! Seriously??? So, Indie had a choice on her rides...the boats or the merry go round. We decided it was WAY too hot to be there and decided to turn our tickets over to someone who could use them. It was so disappointing to pay $15 for 2 rides. Oh well...now we know. After the carnival, we decided to get slurpees to cool us off. Now, that was something Indie enjoyed. We then went to Whiteside's pool and after warming up to it, Indie LOVED it! and did not want to get out.
On Saturday, there was a concert and fireworks. Although a pretty good sport, Brad, refused to go to a country concert. I decided to honor his wishes, since I had already dragged him to the movie, parade, and carnival. All of which, he did not want to go. We ended up going to grandma Indra's house and playing cards and watching the fireworks from her drive way. We had a perfect view and must say...it was better than sitting in the heat at a concert. Grandma's house was PERFECT for watching fireworks. We might have even had a better view than the people in the park. Thanks grandma!
And of course, the perfect way to end the week. We went to church on Sunday and heard great lessons and talks.