Maylin Rose Lundell
At 12:15 my water broke while I was in bed. I hadn't even fallen asleep yet. I couldn't sleep. We got everything ready and went to the hospital. I was excited to be delivering at Ogden Regional because I have heard about how much better they are than McKay. With all the horror story that follows, I have to say, their nurses are a lot better than McKay's postpartum nurses. We arrived at Ogden Regional around 12:45 and by the time they got us to a room and all the paperwork filled out it was about 1:00. They put us in a room and told me to change and that they would be back to check me and get everything going. At 1:30, I was having major contractions and was in horrible pain. After waiting a half an hour, I finally sent Brad to go and see if they forgot about us and to get my epidural ASP. They finally came in and checked me I was at a 3 plus. They told me that I couldn't have my epidural until I went through one bag of liquid in my IV. So, they put in my IV and I suffered through the contractions for about a half an hour. The "Anesthesiologist" (Really a CRNA?) came in and had me sit up for the shot. This was different than McKay, at McKay when I had Indie, they had me lay on my side. Well, while "Ted" jabbed needles back and forth in my back. He kept saying he couldn't find it. First try, "I can't find it." Second try, "I got blood that time in the catheter" and the third try, "I got it." WOAH, I said "why do I feel like I'm going to tip over?" I felt like I was on a very rocky ship. They laid me down in bed and the next thing I said was, "why are my hands numb?" They told me because my blood pressure cup was just getting done. YEAH RIGHT! Next thing I know, I am gagging and throwing up and then I couldn't swallow and I felt like I couldn't breathe. It instantly went up higher and I couldn't hold up my head? I just kept repeating, "I can't breathe." They kept reassuring me that my oxygen levels were fine, but how they knew that I don't know. Brad tells me that they couldn't find a finger pulse thinger that worked. They kept running in and out trying to find one that worked. They finally told me that "if we have to, we will breathe for you." I'm sure it wasn't life threatening, but for me and my family it sure did feel like it. The nurses started to panic. I heard one nurse yell to get "Ted" in there "NOW!" and that she "I'm not going to do this alone." Grandma Indie, asked one of the nurses "Is she going to die?" and the nurse said, "I don't know!" My mom had to leave the room she was so nervous. My dad and Brad gave me a priesthood blessing and they said, my body instantly calmed down. After an hour of suffering, the numbness wore off. Machel had arrived and I was feeling all contractions again. Machel checked me and I was a "10" and ready to push. Machel says, "we are having this one natural." After an hour of suffering for air and experiencing the pain, I said, "I can't do this." I pushed for a couple of minutes, before Ted arrived back in the room. Machel says, "Don't you dare give her another dose!" Ted argued back that he knew he hit the spinal now and that he would give me a smaller dose. Ted says, "well isn't she in pain." Machel yells back, "she's in transition! What do you think? Yes, she's in pain!" Without saying another word, Ted gives me another dose. Although I didn't say either way if I wanted it or not, I sure was glad that he gave it to me. I became numb and started to push. The problem: every half an hour Ted had to give me another dose and every time he did, the contractions stopped. They got the "pit" hooked up to my IV to help with contractions. After an hour of pushing and not making any progress, Machel and I decided a C-Section would be best. While they are setting up everything for the C-Section, Machel kept trying to turn the baby's face and having me push. She looks up and says, "why isn't the pit dripping?" The tubes weren't working and so, here I had been pushing without any pit. Machel thinks I might have been able to deliver vaginally, if it weren't for the tubes not working. During the C-Section, I felt panicky as my chest became heavy again. I think this was just nerves, but Ted, decided it would be best for everyone if he just put me out. So, out I went! I woke up to the sounds of my family holding baby Maylin. Maylin was 7 lbs. 15 oz. (no not a 10 lb baby, phew at least that turned out ok). She was 20 inches long.
I realize how long this blog is, so...I will blog about the other days to follow later. Here are some pictures. By the way, pictures were not a priority during delivery as you can tell, so we don't have a lot of early on pictures.
Congratulations! She is darling. I'm sorry to hear how horrible it was. Hopefully you guys are recovering well and we will see you soon!
She is so beautiful, Karlie. How is she doing? And how are you? I hope you are recovering well. I'm sorry it was such a bad birthing experience. But she is a cutie! We'll have to come and see you soon.
Oh, by the way, did you know Isabella's middle name is Rose? Good pick! :)
Congratulations. How is everyone doing? Do you need anything? Call me if you do. I am sure Kiana would love to play with Indy for a few hours.
Wow! what a story, I am sorry for all that misery and incompetence. It sounds like the whole dilivery crew was way off. telling your mom "I don't know" if you are going to die? way bad. WAY BAD. I have a lot of other thoughts swimming in my head but I will not say them.
Mostly Congrats and good luck and I hope you are feeling better. (sorry I'm so late.)
I still can't believe everything you went through. I guess in the end, it is great that you and Maylin are both doing well. She is so beautiful. You'll have to let me know how it is having 2 kiddos around the house (although I'm sure you are adjusting just fine). We want to come see you again when you are up for visitors.
I'm glad to finally hear your version of the story.
I am working up at Ogden Regional for my preceptorship. It's so awesome. I asked them about what happened with you. I guess it's kind of common. But how scary to feel like you can't breathe. Ted is not my favorite of the CRNA's. I'm glad the post partum experience was better. I love the nurses up there.
My little new niece is adorable!! I'm so glad you made it through all that. On the way to the hospital I kept praying out loud for you to be okay. She was worth it right? :) so sweet and kissable.
Congratulations!!! Your baby is so beautiful!!!
I am so sorry about what happened but I am just thankful you made it through this.
Hugs and kisses to all your family! and Congratulations again.
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